Today was a big day for Olivia...Her first laughs. Amy and I were at Zeeland cleaning out her room when Olivia woke up from a nap. As I was walking around the room with her, I was showing her some things around the room when I picked up a horn. As you can see in the video, she really enjoyed it. Enjoy the video (it is a bit on the large size so I do apologize in advance).
Monday, May 19, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Ollie Update
Okay, for those of you who are just dying to know how Ollie is doing, I thought I would give you an update. Well the bandage and the cone are off, but that was through Ollie's doing! His head got rewrapped on Wednesday and on Thursday he was doing whatever he could to get both the bandage and cone off. He succeeded. We kept an eye on him all night watching for additional bleeding. Thankfully it didn't happen. It looks as if the ear has scabbed over. We went back to the vet for a recheck this morning. The vet decided to leave the ear as is and for us to continue to monitor his activity over the next week. By next week it should scar over. I'm glad they didn't rebandage his head, but trying to stop Ollie and Dakota from playing?! God help the Fleck family!!
Posted by Amy at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Gotta love our boxer Ollie...
About 2 weeks ago, we took Ollie to the vet to get him "fixed". I also wanted to talk to the vet about this wart-looking growth on his ear. I was told that it was a benign tumor which is common in puppies. The vet said that more than likely it would heal itself, but because it is on Ollie's ear it could still rupture and bleed. Not wanting blood all over him, Dakota, or our house, I asked them to go ahead and remove it since Ollie would be under anyways. The removed the tumor and there were a couple of stitches in his ear. I was supposed to bring Ollie back to get the stitches removed, but I forgot about them. This brings me to this morning...
As I was in the bathroom I noticed blood droplets on the tub. Trying to figure out where they were coming from, I then noticed more on the tub carpet. I called Ollie over so I could check his ear. Sure enough, that's where the blood was coming from. Part of the scab and stitches had come off. I thought I had gotten the bleeding to stop, so I went to get Olivia out of bed. I had brought Liv back to the bathroom to clean her up and noticed more blood droplets. Ollie's ear was bleeding again! I grabbed the phone, laid Liv on the bathroom counter, and shut the doors so Ollie couldn't leave. After working with his ear, I called Chris and asked him to please come home. I couldn't figure out how to deal with a bleeding dog and a wiggly baby that was to eat and manage a shower! Chris did come home to help out and he got Ollie to the vet before lunch. When they returned an hour later, this is how Ollie came home.... Lucky us, we get to deal with this for a couple of days while his ear heals. Wish us luck!
Posted by Amy at 4:36 PM 1 comments
4 months old already!
Last week we took Olivia to the doctor for her 4 month well baby check up. Our doctor is very pleased with how she is developing. She is now 25 3/4" long and weighs 15 lbs. 4 oz.! We also get to start feeding her some solid foods. Cereals and anything orangish in color (sweet potatoes, applesauce, carrots, etc.). We can introduce one new food a week. Well I bought Liv some oatmeal for babies and we've fed it to her a couple of times already. She doesn't do too bad with it. Check her out for yourself!
Posted by Amy at 3:50 PM 1 comments