Friday, May 9, 2008

Ollie Update

Okay, for those of you who are just dying to know how Ollie is doing, I thought I would give you an update. Well the bandage and the cone are off, but that was through Ollie's doing! His head got rewrapped on Wednesday and on Thursday he was doing whatever he could to get both the bandage and cone off. He succeeded. We kept an eye on him all night watching for additional bleeding. Thankfully it didn't happen. It looks as if the ear has scabbed over. We went back to the vet for a recheck this morning. The vet decided to leave the ear as is and for us to continue to monitor his activity over the next week. By next week it should scar over. I'm glad they didn't rebandage his head, but trying to stop Ollie and Dakota from playing?! God help the Fleck family!!