Thursday, August 21, 2008

Knee Update...

Well, we had a second doctor's appointment for Chris' knee yesterday and things are looking good. Chris still needs to wear the brace, but they adjusted it so it will bend with his leg. He can now put weight on his foot and the doctor said he doesn't have to use his crutches anymore. (Chris plans on using the crutches for a bit yet while he gets used to using that foot again.) The doctor also said that he can drive...not sure how I feel about that one! =) Chris, however, is realizes that it will be a bit before he does that. He isn't comfortable getting behind the wheel quite yet. Chris does still have some numbness in his foot which the doctor said could be residual from the nerve block that was used in the surgery. We are going to do our own research on that one. It seems odd that 6 weeks later the nerve block could still be effecting him. The bigger news is that Chris begins PT next week. I know this will be rough on him, but it is a good thing. It will mean he can finally see some progress and develop a sense of healing. Right now, he doesn't see the progress he has made and still gets quite frustrated. It will be a rough road, but it is a step closer to feeling more normal. Please keep Chris in your prayers as he begins this next phase of his recovery.


Michelle said...

Glad to hear the appointment went well. Keep us posted on how PT goes - and tell him to hang in there! He'll be running around again in no time :)