Friday, April 25, 2008

Olivia's First Play Date

Last week Olivia and I met up with her Aunt Jenni and cousin Aurora for a play date. What a trip! Olivia is almost 4 months old and Aurora is 9 months old so "play" is a relative term. Jenni and I took the girls to a park called "Frog Hollow". Jenni picked this park because there were swings with harnesses in them for babies. Aurora really had a good time, and I think Olivia enjoyed her first ride on a swing.


Michelle said...

I love the hat and sunglasses!! Where is Frog Park? I'd love to take Kylah there sometime!

Jackie said...

Swings with harnesses - what a great idea. I love playdates, it gives me an opportunity to be around adults - yahoo!