Monday, December 10, 2007

Well, it is now 5 weeks and counting. Amy and I went for another ultrasound this past Friday. Unfortunately, no good pictures this time. :( We also discovered that right now, baby is breached. The butt is facing down and the feet and hands are right at baby's face. We'll have to wait and see what the doctor says this Friday. Things can still change in the next few weeks, though. I think the doctor just wanted to know where things were at right now.

On a lighter note, the nursery is almost finished. The trim is FINALLY up!!! Now we just need to do if fill the nail holes, pain the doors, and change the outlets. Then, it's time to move in the furniture. I think now we are reaching a point where we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully, by this weekend, everything will be complete. When it's done, I'll post some before and after shots. Later!